
Who is PUSH?

In this ever-changing, progressive world of media, success is measured by quality service and advantageous relationships. Communication is crucial. Ethics is essential.

PUSH Publicity, Inc. strives to be the premiere selection of clients by providing the top services in publicity, public and media relations, image and artist development & consulting, new media marketing and special events production in the entertainment and not-for-profit industries. Through consistent, predictable professionalism, PUSH Publicity, Inc. will ensure proper visibility and awareness to your company, product and/or brand.

And it doesn’t just stop with our clients. PUSH Publicity, Inc. has internal relationships to preserve and nurture. PUSH Publicity, Inc. will strive to provide the same consistency and professional working atmosphere to its employees and partners/affiliates, justly creating avenues of revenue for all entities. It’s also in our best interest to embed maximum profitable potential for its staff, partners and conglomerates.

Keeping a close eye on the newest and latest in trends, business, various mediums and consumer behavioral patterns, all while ensuring the client receives the individual attention they deserve, is the vision and daily mission of PUSH Publicity, Inc.